WBC have completed a review of the resource bases at aschools in the Wokingham Borough and following this have made a number of proposals. WBC are running a consultation and would like to get parents views on the proposed changes. This review report, consultation document and link to the consultation survey are available via the following link. Resource Base Consultation.
If there are any additional comments not covered by the questions can be emailed to: piers.brunning@wokingham.gov.uk. Please copy SEND Voices Wokingham parent carer forum into the emails.
Note from WBC:
"Please note that this report establishes priorities for our investment programme under the Special Provision Capital Fund
There are a number of possible works schemes in the report but the schemes for Wescott Infant School and Foundry College stand out as settiings where additional acommodation is required to meet the needs of children with SEND.