Wokingham Written Statement of Action (WSoA) - December 2019 & January 2020 Update
The Wokingham SEND Improvement Board met on the 10th December and the 14th January and the 6 Task & Finish Groups presented their progress over the last months. SEND Voices Wokingham continue to represent parents across all the multi-agency Task & Finish group meetings as well as the SEND Implementation Board meeting.
As part of the EHCP task & finish group work we have run a survey to understand why families are privately commissioning reports, thank you to all those families who completed this survey. The results have been shared with the task & finish groups as well as the SEND team to inform their work. We have also coproduced an EHCP Survey which will be sent to all parents/carers a few weeks after the process is completed. We will collate the results of this survey termly and share them with all partners as a measure of the quality and timeliness of the plans and to help continually improve the EHCP process.
Sarah continues to chair the group working on the Local Area SEND Co-production Charter, a draft Charter has now been developed and the group will shortly be consulting on it with all parties including parent carers and young people. Please look out for the survey which will becirculated very shortly, we look forward to receiving your feedback on theCharter.
The next SEND Implementation Board meeting is on February 4th when representatives from Ofsted and the CQC will be attending to monitor progress of the Written Statement of Action. Parents can also attend a presentation at our AGM on the 4th March by Sal Thirlway and Kelli Scott from WBC on the “Local Area Ofsted & CQC Inspection 1 Year On"where Sal and Kelli will be able to talk to parents in more detail about the work that has been going on and the progress that has been made. Full details of this are available on our website.
Areminder of the 6 Task & Finish Groups in the Wokingham WSoA:
1.Co-production of SEND Strategy
2.Timelinessand quality of EHC Plans
3.Co-production at a Strategic Level
4.Qualityof Management Information
5.Well-coordinated and effectively joined up work across education, health and socialcare
6.Transition to adulthood