WBC Ordinarily Available Provision - A Graduated Response

The full document is here: WBC Ordinarily Available Provision - A Graduated Response

What is the Ordinarily Available in schools & educational settings?

It is a benchmark / baseline / common set of expectations about what provision should be made for the majority of children and young people with SEND, within early education settings, schools, academies, free schools and colleges of further education.

What is the Graduated Response?

The Ordinarily Available provision is made from funding ordinarily available to the setting through their core or delegated budget. The education setting must always consider their graduated response and show evidence of interventions over time, before they consider that it may be necessary for an EHC assessment to take place.

The document was co-produced with a range of professionals and partners.

Thank you to all involved in the production of the document with a large thank you to parents and carers for feedback and input.