At the end of October 2024 SEND Voices Wokingham (SVW) were informally notified by Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust (BHFT) that one week later, in November 2024, they would be making changes to the Neurodiversity (Autism and ADHD) referral pathways.
SEND Voices Wokingham were not consulted or notified of this policy change before it was made, and we have since taken every opportunity to challenge the decision which we believe will be harmful to children and young people with SEND and their families.
Many of our concerns are echoed in todays Special Needs Jungle Facebook post.
Referrals for Autism and ADHD assessments have been changed, so that a referral can now only be made by a school, education provider or professional who knows the child well. The referral must be accompanied with 6 months evidence of the support that has been put in place for that child. GPs are no longer able to make a referral.
Following the meeting with BHFT when we were informed of the changes, SVW, along with the other Berkshire West Parent Carer Forums (Reading Families Forum and West Berkshire Parent Carer Forum), wrote a formal complaint to the Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire and Berkshire Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB) and BHFT about these changes. The complaint detailed the complete lack of coproduction and the potential impact for children, young people and their families as well as schools and the Local Authority. SVW highlighted numerous areas of concern including how the new system would make it more difficult and create unnecessary barriers for children, young people and their families to make a referral and get the help they need for their child or young person.
In a follow-up meeting with BHFT, they agreed to pause the changes to the referral process until 6th January 2025 to get further feedback from families as well as work with the Parent Carer Forums and Local Authorities. As yet SVW are still awaiting dates for these promised workshops.
SVW are aware that some referrals that took place during December, were asked to follow the “new" process, so we did not see evidence of a “pause" to consider feedback and possible changes ahead of implementation in January 2025. SVW have also had meetings with the Senior Leaders at the LA to raise our concerns. SVW continue to share families feedback and concerns with these changes with BOB ICB, BHFT and the LA. Please see our latest Termly feedback here: Feedback from Families - Autumn Term 2024
SVW have a further meeting with BHFT on Friday 24th January to discuss how to progress but are still waiting for a date for the promised workshops with health, LA's and local Parent Carer Forums as well as the Equality Impact Assessment that was requested at the beginning of December 2024.
SVW will keep families updated with developments.
SEND Voices Wokingham
22nd January 2024