SEND Strategy DRAFT Outcome Measures

Over the past few months a lot of work has gone into updating and improving Wokingham's 3-year Strategy for SEND (0-25).

Everyone involved in this work is keen to make sure that the Strategy delivers improvements to the lives of children and young people with SEND, their parents and carers.

To help achieve this, part of the Strategy will include a set of "Outcome Measures" which will measure the things that are most important to your child/ young person and your family. These Outcome Measures will be monitored and used to help determine whether the goals and objectives set out in the Strategy are actually being achieved, what's working well, and where improvements are needed.

It is vital to include the views of parents and carers on the Outcome Measures we select for the Strategy, and although it is a challenging time of year for people to give up their time to assist with this work, it would be extremely helpful to have your views ahead of Christmas, so that the Strategy can go live early next year.

To collect feedback from parents on the Outcome Measures suggested so far, and get suggestions and ideas about the best Measures to include we are running two Zoom focus groups on:

Date: WEDNESDAY 9th DECEMBER at 10.30 - 11.30 am or 8 - 9pm

Please email if you are interested in attending (please state which session you would like to attend) or would like any further information. A summary of the Outcome Measures that have been suggested so far can be found here: DRAFT Measures Nov 2020