Risk Assessments Forms & Access to school/college for those with EHCPs or a Social Worker
We have had lots of questions about the Risk Assessment forms and children/young people with EHCPs or social workers accessing school places during the current Covid-19 period. We hope that this clarifies the situation:
Taken from IPSEA website: https://www.ipsea.org.uk/news/ipsea-update-on-covi...
"Do schools have to allow all children with EHC plans to attend?
No – it will depend on whether they would be safe or safer attending school rather staying home.
New guidance on SEN risk assessments has been issued to help LAs, in collaboration with schools and parents, assess the risks of both options. This might include revisiting provisional risk assessments to see if they remain appropriate over time.
The guidance explains that where a child or young person with an EHC plan will be safer at home, the Department for Education (“DfE") recommends they stay at home. Where they will be as safe or safer at an education setting, the DfE recommends they attend the education setting.
It also makes some suggestions about what provision might be possible to deliver in or to the home. You might want to read this guidance to prepare for discussions with your LA and setting "
You can also contact our local SENDIASS team for impartial information and advice, they can be contacted on SENDAISS@wokingham.gov.uk or 0118 908 8233
What is a Risk Assessments?
These are the documents referred to above that have to be completed by the school/college in co-production with the family. They can be updated at any time if the risk level changes over time.
If you are unable to come to an agreement with school please email the WBC SEND Team on sen@wokingham.gov.uk and SENDIASS on sendiass@wokingham.gov.uk who will be able to assist you.
For those of you whose child does not have an EHCP but have a social worker, please speak to your social worker or email LDDservices@wokingham.gov.uk and SENDIASS on sendiass@wokingham.gov.uk
For anyone who is not able to contact school directly please contact the WBC SEND Team directly SEN@wokingham.gov.uk
For and parents that have a child EOTAS (educated other than at school) we are waiting for a response from Sonia Aulak SEND Team Lead. As soon as we have this information we will share it with you.
SEND Voices Wokingham are meeting weekly with the WBC SEND and Children with Disabilities (CWD) teams and also in regular contact between meetings if you are having any particular issues that are not being resolved.