SEND Voices Wokingham's Proposal to move to Charitable Incorporated Organisation Status
Thursday 3rd November 2022 @ 8.00 – 9.00pm via Zoom
We are holding an Extraordinary General Meeting with our members to discuss and agree the proposal for SEND Voices Wokingham to move from a Constituted Community Group to Charitable Incorporated Organisation status.
Parent Carer Forums have evolved hugely over the last 12 years. Nationally, most Parent Carer Forums have moved from being a Constituted Community Group (where the Steering Committee is liable for all the finances) to legal entities such as Charities and CiC's.
Why Should SEND Voices Wokingham become a charity?
Moving to a charity will enable the forum to:
- Apply for charity discounts
- Apply for additional funds to offer more support for our families which is beyond our DfE Family Engagement remit.
- Remove financial liability from the Steering Committee.
Our core purpose will remain the same, to be:
The Independent voice of families of children with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities, aged 0-25, representing their experiences to improve lives.
Our work, in partnership with Education, Health and Social Care, to make sure the services they commission, plan and deliver meet the needs of children and young people in Wokingham Borough will remain the same. We will continue to listen to families through our events, training courses, consultations and surveys and represent their experiences, views and priorities.
CIO Presentation is here: EGM 4 Nov 22