We know that there are a few of you who are still experiencing issues with Home to School Transport. Thank you for continuing to keep us informed of how things are going, the issues highlighted have been raised with WBC. We wanted to give you a quick update on the actions following the Transport Review kick off earlier this week which SEND Voices Wokingham attended. The following actions have been agreed:
Action 1: The SEND Team will be contacting every family who has WBC Home to School Transport to collect your feedback on how things have gone this September. Initial contact will be by email to arrange a time for a phone call to speak to you. This is planned to start next week.
Action 2: There will be a review of all communications/ letters / forms that go to families to update all future communications.
Action 3: The timeline for the Home to School Transport process will be thoroughly reviewed.
The Transport Review team, which includes SEND Voices Wokingham, will meet again in 2 weeks to review all the information that has been collected and progress all the above actions.
We will keep you updated with how things are going.