We know how busy everyone is and how difficult things are for lots of you at this current time, but would really appreciate you taking the time to complete our Annual SEND Survey for the Wokingham Borough. The survey covers all aspects of Education, Health and Social Care as well as availability of Information and parent carer wellbeing, so that it gives us a real overview of the "lived experience" for SEND families.
This survey is for families of all children with special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND), not just those with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or on formal SEN support at school.Annual SEND Survey 2023 Last years survey was shared with the DfE, Wokingham SEND Improvement Board, WBC Children's Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee and it informed a number of workstreams across education, health and social care. Some of the specific areas where the survey has helped include:
The link to the survey is here:- Business case for improvement to the SEND Local Offer
- Preparing for Adulthood - further development of the Post 16 offer
- Development of a SEND Service to support schools
- Production of our SEND Guide for Parents booklet
- More training for GP's around the 14+ year Annual Health Checks
We will use the results from the survey to help shape our work for the coming year as well as feed into the Wokingham Borough SEND Partnership Board and ongoing SEND Improvement. SEND Voices Wokingham will also use the survey findings to provide feedback from parent carers to any future OFSTED/CQC SEND Inspections. We are pleased to offer a 5 x £20 Amazon vouchers to 5 respondents drawn at random who complete this survey (all the information on this is included at the end of the survey). The closing date for the survey is Friday 16th June 2023.