Wokingham Written Statement of Action - November Update

The Wokingham SEND Improvement Board met again on the 12th November and the 6 Task & Finish Groups presented their progress over the last month. SEND Voices Wokingham continue to represent parents across all the multi-agency Task & Finish group meetings as well as the SEND Implementation Board meeting.

We ran our Co-production Workshop on the 14th November and were really pleased to have representatives from parents, commissioning, social care, (children's and adults), education and health. As one attendee commented at the end “If that's not a positive start (to coproduction) I'm not sure what is!". Using the output from that session along with feedback we had from parents for the Ofsted/CQC Inspection in March, the Co-production task & finish group which Sarah chairs, is now developing a Wokingham Co-production Charter for all partners to sign up to.

Thank you for continuing to share your experiences of the EHCP process. We ensure that these experiences are being used to inform task & finish groups 2 and 5 who are focusing on Timeliness & Quality of EHCPs and Multiagency Input into EHCPs.

We will update you on the December SEND Implementation Board meeting and how work is progressing across the 6 areas in the New Year. We will also have further details of our AGM which this year will include a presentation from the LA on the “Local Area Ofsted & CQC Inspection – 1 Year On". Provisional date for this is the evening of Wednesday 4th March 2020.

A reminder of the 6 Task & Finish Groups in the Wokingham WSoA:

1. Co-production of SEND Strategy

2.Timeliness and quality of EHC Plans

3. Co-production at a Strategic Level

4.Quality of Management Information

5. Well-coordinated and effectively joined up work across education, health and social care

6. Transition to adulthood