In August Wokingham Local Area (the Local Authority and Health), submitted a written statement of action (WSoA) to Ofsted and the CQC detailing how they are going to address the significant weaknesses that had been identified in the Local Area SEND Inspection in March 19.
At yesterdays SEND Improvement Board Meeting, which SEND Voices Wokingham attended, it was confirmed in a letter from Ofsted/CQC that "the statement of action is deemed to be fit for purpose in setting out how the local area will tackle the significant areas of weakness identified in the published report letter."
You can see the full letter here: Ofsted/CQC letter Sept 19
and the WSoA here: Wokingham WSoA
There are six areas where Task & Finish Groups have been set up to implement the action plan and address the areas of concern Identified by Ofsted and the CQC. The groups are as follows:
1. Co-production of SEND Strategy
2.Timeliness and quality of EHC Plans
3. Co-production at a Strategic Level
4.Quality of Management Information
5. Well-coordinated and effectively joined up work across education, health and social care
6. Transition to adulthood
Work has already started in some of these areas and our Chair Sarah, will be leading the group on improving Co-production at a Strategic Level.
As work progresses on the Action Plan there will be a number of opportunities for parent carers to be involved. We will keep you informed about these and how you can get involved.