Message from WBC Adult Social Care Team

Adult Social Care are working as usual but are obviously respecting the need for social isolation, or shielding and are conducting visits only where absolutely necessary, whilst adhering to government guidelines. We are seeking to conduct reviews and assessments remotely where possible, including Self Directed Assessments, Mental Capacity Assessments and Deprivation of Liberty work.

Personal needs and circumstances are being taken into consideration regarding Direct Payments and young people's individual requirements. Transition duty is responding daily to support any queries and Transition Social Workers are also aiding individual allocated cases and giving support as required.

Welfare checks have been made regularly for 18 to 25 year old young people that we are working with.

Key workers with children shielding have had young people's specific needs considered and supported.

Care packages have been individually assessed and consideration given if residential support is not an option at present and needs are therefore greater in relation to the present circumstances.

Extra Direct payments were allocated where a young person was likely to place themselves at risk, if they were not supported to go out.

We have also circulated Easy Read information to aid families supporting young people in the present circumstances (see links below)

We realise that it is a difficult time for young people and their carers and want to do what we can to support effectively, in order to lessen the worry and any feelings of being isolated.

Anita Davies
Transition Manager

Q&A's from Adult Social Care

Easy Read Social Distancing

Easy Read Corona Virus & Mental Health